Digital Marketing Question Answer

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

3 GUARANTEED Ways Stand Out On Social Media

The world is becoming increasingly hectic and chaotic. How do you stand out when there's much noise out there?
Especially in the world of social media marketing. Today I'm going to share with you three ways you can stand out in a hectic world. The first strategy for social media marketing is to story tell. No matter what, it doesn't matter if Facebook changes their algorithm or something new comes out like another social network that competes with Instagram or Snapchat, the one thing that people love, no matter what is storytelling. If you can tell a story that hooks people, drives them through an emotional roller coaster, you'll do extremely well. The second tip I have for social media marketing is to be unique. Don't go out there and be like "Hmmm. Why isn't my content doing well on Facebook? Why isn't it doing well on Instagram? Oh, it's because their algorithms, they're making it harder." Yes, they are making it harder, but that doesn't mean you still can't do well. If you can't figure out how to do well on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, there's one thing that's typically in common, and it doesn't have much to do with their algorithms. It has everything to do with your content. Yes, if you write amazing content, no matter what, or amazing videos, or amazing podcasts, you're going to get traction no matter how difficult or how strict they make their algorithms. So instead of worrying about "Hey, Facebook's gonna do this with their algorithm," you can't control that. But you know what you can control? How good and amazing your content is. And if no-one's liking or sharing it, you can't blame Facebook for everything. You can't blame Instagram. The only person you can blame is yourself. So after you do those two things, I have one little last piece of advice for you if you want to stand out from the crowd in this noisy and hectic world of social media marketing. Be part of the community. I know that may sound simple. You've heard it before. Everyone tells you-you've got to participate, you've got to be involved in the community, but don't do it because I'm telling you to do it. Do it because you love people. You love helping them out. When you care for people, you want to get them results, even if they don't have enough money to pay you. That's okay. And it's a good thing, because when you help people, I believe in karma, and it will end up coming around. And, on top of that, by helping other people and participating in the community, and going above and beyond, people are gonna be like "Oh, wow, David's an awesome person, Sue's amazing, You have to participate and help people in social media marketing. It's something that you can't take for granted, and most people are like "Yeah, I'm gonna participate, I'm gonna respond to comments." They do it for a day or two, and then they're like "Ah, this is time-consuming. I don't see the ROI in it." Not everything's about an ROI in marketing. Helping people, building goodwill, and caring about your potential customers, it does wonders for you. If you follow these three tips, you'll do extremely well and stand out in a hectic world. You're not going to see results tomorrow, you're not going to see results in the next 30 or 60 days, but you give it a year, and you notice gradually, week over week, month over month, you're going to be growing. So if you liked this video, like, comment, share. I do appreciate it. And if I can ever doing anything to help you out, genuinely, even if it's giving you some advice, I don't care for the money, just leave a comment below, and I will do my best to try to help you out and answer all your questions.

Top 3 Ways to Generate More Organic Search Traffic | Content Marketing Secrets!

You know when people tell you, "Write content. Use content marketing, and you'll get a ton of traffic" They're lying. That's not how it works. Just because you write content, it doesn't mean you're going to generate any more visitors. Today, I'm going to share with you how to write content that generates traffic. See, if you can write content on anything and generate traffic, then everyone would be successful when it comes to SEO and content marketing, but that's not the case. If you don't want to be one of those people who's writing content and getting no results, you need to do a few things. #1: Go to ahrefs. Put in your competitor URLs. When you put in your competitor URLs, you can see a list of all their most popular pages. Go to every single one of those pages, and write better content than what they have written. #2 Once you have done that, the next thing you need to do is put in that specific URL that your competitor had that you rewrote and made way better, so, if their article explained ten ways to double their search traffic, you explained 101 ways to double your search traffic. Then, what you want to do is see who links to them and hit up every single one of those people with an email that goes something like this. Hey John, I noticed that you linked out to Harry and his article on ten ways to double your search traffic. I have an article that's way more thorough. It's called 101 Ways to Double Your Search Traffic. Let me know if you want to check it out. Cheers, David. Once they end up emailing you back saying, "Yeah, I would love to check it out," you want to email 'em back saying, "Here it is. "Cheers, your name." It's that simple. When you start sending that email template, you're going to get more links, and, eventually, you're going to rank for the same terms your competitors have and even outrank them, because your content's way better and more thorough, which Google promotes with their hummingbird algorithm. #3 The last step I have for you go to Buzzsumo and do the same exact thing. Type in your competitor's URL, and you'll see what's popular from a social perspective, where they're getting their Facebook traffic, their Twitter traffic, their LinkedIn traffic. You take their most popular articles. You write way better ones. If they had an article on ten ways to do something, you write an article on 101 ways to do something. Once you follow all those tips, your content will be way more amazing.

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